Sunday, November 28, 2010

Just watch for the so called organised crime figures

Stephen Harper has been the loudest opponent of the senate all his life but since he gained power he has appointed more senators than any other PM in history.By packing the Senate with grateful Conservative cronies he has made it possible to ram his bill S-10 through the senate without amendments.I have heard the comments that it is only aimed at gang members and organized crime.Anyone who is familiar with the Canadian justice system will know we have been here before.The habitual criminal act was also supposed to capture and imprison organised crime figures for life.In the end it was being used against drug addicts.Harper hates drug addicts and he sees no difference between heavy pot smokers and heroin smokers.I find it hard to believe that even Stephen Harper doesn't know the difference between a heroin addict and an organised crime figure.With his tight control of what information gets out of the conservative caucus,the civil service and for sure the criminal justice system he will be able to imprison whomever he wants.There has been 6 billion set aside to pay for the increased number of prisoners and for the new prisons that we will have to build.Harper is taking us down the same path as his friends in the USA.Heroin addiction cannot be helped in any way by prison.Their answer is that it's worth it because the people will be in jail and not stealing for drug money.This is beyond a doubt and researched to death,the absolute worst use of resources possible.It's unfortunate that Harper,with his biblical approach to everything doesn't care about being humane or trying to solve a problem instead of attacking the symptoms.We will be shown photo ops that will purport to show how wonderful this bill is working.Like everything Harper and his trained caucus do the story will be framed by conservative ad boys and the message carefully managed and controlled.This is just another bad law,aimed at the poorest and the most harmless of us alldisguised as an attack on organised crime.Listed to the bill and to some of Harpers speeches and you will hear very clearly that he is aiming at so called "chronic offenders",a code word for drug addicts .There is never any excuse for returning us to a method of dispensing justice that was an abject failure.It is just this kind of blundering as if in the dark that has allowed the prohibition of drugs to drag on for so long.In the early 70's Canada jailed more people per capita than did the US.Harper is willingly and with both eyes open doing the same thing again.Of course the reason it was changed was because it was considered to be cruel and unusual.It was also expensive and totally useless.