Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The RCMP and law enforcement agencies around the world collaborate on international Darknet marketplace enforcement | Royal Canadian Mounted Police

The RCMP and law enforcement agencies around the world collaborate on international Darknet marketplace enforcement | Royal Canadian Mounted Police      If tomorrow goes as I now think it will i will be in a big heap of rcmp horseshit.Saskatoon,the headquarters of this force and a CP package expected tomorrow.You know I know but there's really nothing to do now.This is how intrusive and all encompassing this anti drug hysteria goes in this country.I have done nothing but try to maintain my own personal mental health.You may think, why not smash the computer and refuse delivery?If it was that easy,I'd be fine.It's not like they didn't do everything to tip their hand.It's just that if they have all the data necessary to post my name,they already have everything they need.There's really nothing to do now.I wait for the inevitable.It's really not surprising.I've never had any luck but bad luck.Blame it on my addiction?No!I blame the feds, the politicians and a vancouver heroin program that has refused to even speak with me.As well as a medical system so bereft of compassion that people like me are left to suffer in pain.I welcome this challenge.I only hope that I can count on the drug reform community and the local advocates to support and finance my case?How many people can post their own arrest in future?It's really not that difficult if you have half a brain.