Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In Flanders Fields

The poppies blow.Has anyone told the RCMP?After reading about a poor immigrant who came here from Afghanistan with some poppy seeds and a habit for either the tea made from the pods or opium.He grew his poppies for 10 years,bothering no one and with no intention of ever sharing his treasure with anyone else.Then the Calgary police were tipped off and this serious felon was arrested and put through what must have been worse than hell,if he survived at all.The one thing this drug does that is bad is to addict the user and especially an opium eater will often succumb.Now we find out that the east Indian community has a weakness for the tea and the cops are crowing about their huge bust of poppy fields.Now,I confess that I had planned to move to the interior and plant a few hectares of poppies for medicinal purposes.Now it seems cannabis isn't the only wild growing plant that can get you arrested and tossed in jail.What about all those people with poppies in their yards?My mother always had a patch in the east end.We cannot allow our laws to be applied to only some.A single pot plant gives our Prime Minister nightmares.I call on the RCMP and every Provincial and city police department to get out there and arrest these felons.Inform them of their crime and arrest and imprison them,all of them.Either that or just knock this shit off.If I want to grow poppies and I interfere with no one else,why should anyone care?Why would the police actually arrest a man who is doing no harm?Prohibition.It's here and it makes as much sense now as it did in 1903 when opium was banned to :"keep the chinks in their place".The"chinks" had had the bad form of being beat up by a bunch of racists and having the gall to fight back to protect their property.That is why opium is agin the law here.All drug laws are either racist in origin or as the result of the war on drugs declared in 1971.I remember LSD becoming illegal in '68.Art Linkletter's daughter had done a swan dive off a roof so no one else was allowed to do it anymore.So,to Mr.Naturel out there who thinks pot is OK cause it's grown freely in nature.Leave me and my opiates alone.To everyone who knows so much better than me how I ought to live,piss off.To the police all over this country,if you bust a field in a mans yard you best be busting every poppy plant you see.A criminal is a criminal.What about the message you send when gramma skates?

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