Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Vancouver and BC college introduce poison in the guise of methadone treatment

In the latter part of 2013,I was informed that there would be the possibility of switching my methadone from 2 mgms per ml to 10 mgms per ml.I was taking 210 mgms daily for pain and drinking all that foul tasting liquid was unpleasant.It was soon after that I read that everyone was going to be forced onto the new,"methadose" formula of the drug.My first question was would I be able to remain on the 2 mgm per mil and I was told I could.I was eventually conned into trying the new formula under the promise that I could switch back.Within a month I asked to go back due to headaches.Instead I was put on the clear formula and told it was injectable.I was also told not to inject but.It turns out there is a big warning on the information packet saying DO NOT INJECT.I found out why when I woke up very sick one morning(the new formula will vanish without warning).I tried injecting and after hearing a loud ripping noise,i found the drug neutralized and the leg infected.I was very angry and took it to my doctor,blaming her for the infection.She not only refused to accept blame,she said I was no longer a pain patient and was once again an addict.I then found out that being an addict meant I was unable to go back on the old formula.It also meant I paid more for the drug and that the clinic could once again apply for fees.Fees had ended when I turned 65.I believe I was set up,as a 45 year injection drug user,to fail so the clinic could try to collect fees.I have no idea if they were successful but it was the only way for them to try.The new formula is obviously diluted with an antagonist and an irritant.It could be one substance but whatever it is it is causing more than 50% of the users to come down with side effects that range from uncomfortable to unbearable.The college of P&S and someone in the BC government took a huge payoff to change over.That cash is paid.Now that so many are complaining,the heroin disappears from Vancouver's streets?There is Fentanyl,everywhere,but no heroin?Am I paranoid,yes.Do I smell a big government rat,certainly.All I want Is out of BC.I was born here and have lived here all my life but I no longer feel able to live here.Anyone who has any idea where I can get proper pain mediation,please contact me.My e mail is available on my google account.

1 comment:

  1. There's nothing more frustrating than doing the possible research and letting the truth out only to find it ignored.If you don't believe nme ask any pharmacist what the compound in methadose is.Or read the handout I posted and see where they say you have to ask your provider.The doctor,refused and the pharmacist said she didn't have that information.Who else excluding the drug company,who also refused?They won't tell you what's in it.I injected it,.Only once and I know an antagonist when I inject one.The infection was chemical #3.I have no idea what it is but that they even introduced something for the sole purpose of causing said infection,I find that sick far beyond what simple addiction is.
