The War on Drugs Is Taking Center Stage at the United Nations | Alternet
Far from being a timely move,this is the UN acting on what was already shown to be the over all desire of the vast majority of the worlds people.It's a tiny piece of the delegation from the USA,a very vocal but also a very backward piece that even cares about prohibition.The rest of the worlds people are well aware of the failed and very expensive war on drugs.They realise that the damage is not only financial but is of a human nature as well.Prohibition is of another era.It's the single blue type law from the victorian era that's still being used as policy in some countries.While such a moralistic viewpoint on behaviour has been eliminated in every other area.It drags on as drug policy,simply because of the police,politicians and the super rich who count on either drug profits or anti drug profits to keep their wallets fat.They care nothing for the lives they grind down,that whole families and whole areas are devastated by the racist way these policies are enforced.Wherever there are very poor people who's choices are limited,you find the Amerikan drug police stripping away the only way the poor have to make enough to live on.People who are the victims of US drug policy to begin with.It's US prohibition that makes the drugs so valuable.It's people who are arrested in Amerika that are filling the private,for profit prisons.All of these things have come to be since after the declaration of the war on drugs.While claiming to want to lessen the number of people in prisons,they continue construction of said prisons,and their lobby efforts for harsher sentencing and for the prohibition of every new substance that comes along.They talk a good story but their actions speak much louder than their words.I hope that the nations of the UN won't be fooled by a duplicitous US and it's policies.The rest of the world,with the exception of a few very backward cultures where drug addiction is seen as evil and immoral and the dealers are murdered.The rest of the world has seen enough to know that prohibition increases drug use and drug trafficking.It's like a huge advertising effort that has spread drug abuse planet over in just a few decades.Time to end the prohibition on all drugs.
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